Wednesday, 17 June 2015

34th Fête de la Musique – World Music Day

Fête de la Musique was founded in France in 1982. It has been a tremendous, popular event free and open to all. Its purpose is to celebrate lively music and showcase a variety of musical customs and genres. For the 34th edition, the French Ministry of Culture and Communication has chosen to extol the virtues of togetherness and of exploring and sharing different cultures. To do this, the Ministry has chosen as its theme Living music together”.

In Uganda, Fête de la Musique goes by the name of World Music Day and is a hands-on, collective, festive event for the public organized by the Alliance Française de Kampala in collaboration with the Bayimba Cultural Foundation and the Uganda National Cultural Centre. It will be held on June 20th at the National Theatre, Upper gardens, from 7pm. All are invited to come and listen to music in a public space and share a moment of togetherness, while enjoying concerts put on by amateurs and professionals alike. The event is also meant to inspire novices to discover music and perhaps learn to play it themselves.

The festival has been a smash success from the beginning, and in 2014, over 1000 people gathered to hear concerts on the streets of Kampala and at the National theatre where the main performances were staged. Fête de la Musique has grown to over 120 countries and 700 cities around the world, transforming the event into an iconic international music affair. For its 34th edition, the festival will continue its expansion by taking to the internet, the site of so many creations and exchanges, and eliminating all borders through the use of various digital platforms.

In 2015, Fête de la Musique will continue to reach as many people as possible in order to “live music together”!

 Follow alliancefrancaisekampala for all the latest news on Fête de la Musique 2015:


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